40 |
<-V# |
Case: |
VA Form VSC-Calculation Summary (07/01/2020) v3.1 © Daniel R. Burk |
v. |
Date: |
(Only A, B, C, or D Applies; and then E) |
A. Sole Only |
1. Custodial Parent |
7. Actual Payment by Each Parent |
B. Split Only |
C. Shared Only |
1. # of Children w/Shared Schedules |
2. Support for Children w/Shared Schedules |
D. Multiple Parenting Arrangements |
1. Per Child Monthly Basic Child Support |
a. Number of Children for This Order |
b. Basic Guideline for All Children |
c. Child Support Per Child |
2. Sole/Split Support |
c. Net Amount |
d. Paid to |
3. Shared Support |
a. # of Children with Shared Schedules |
b. Support for # of Children w/Shared Schedules |
e. Net Amount |
f. Paid to |
4. Total Paid From Each Parent |
E. Guideline Support Paid By Each Parent (not incl. Health Ins., Childcare, etc.) |
Danger Will Robinson! This should never show up! Calculation does NOT match what shows on main Unified Sheet |
Please contact VaSupportCalc immediately! |
info@vasupportcalc.com |
Here's what shows on Main Form: |
3. Net Amount |
4. Paid to |
Print Option: |
Hide Line-By-Line Instructions |
Hide Line-By-Line Instructions |
Email Recipients: |
1st Email Address: |
2nd Email Address: |
3rd Email Address: |
Email button will appear once there is a valid email recipient |
Schedule |
N |
Case |
T |
Plaintiff |
T |
Defendant |
T |
CSFromScheduleP1 |
I |
Parent1 |
T |
CSFromScheduleP2 |
I |
Parent2 |
T |
Kids |
I |
1 |
Sole |
KidsOnlyP1 |
I |
2 |
Split |
KidsOnlyP2 |
I |
3 |
Shared |
KidsShared |
I |
4 |
Multi-Shared |
5 |
Sole/Shared |
6 |
Sole/Multi-Shared |
7 |
Split/Shared |
8 |
Split/Multi-Shared |
SharedDaysPercP1 |
P2 |
SharedDaysPercP2 |
P2 |
ExcludeLineInstructionsP |
T |
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T |
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T |
WhichCombo |
I |
CodeSection |
T |
CalcTypeSimple |
I |
NoSharedSoleGLP2Kids |
I |
AdjGrossPercP1 |
P2 |
NoSharedSoleGLP1Kids |
I |
AdjGrossPercP2 |
P2 |
NoSharedSolePaidByP1 |
I |
NoSharedSolePaidByP2 |
I |
SharedGL |
I |
MultipleBasicSupport |
I |
MultipleSupportPerChild |
I |
SoleShareP1 |
I |
SoleShareP2 |
I |
EmailAdd1,EmailAdd2,EmailAdd3,ExcludeLineInstructions |
ExcludeLineInstructionsStart |
ExcludeLineInstructions |
PlaintNoSpace |
DefNoSpace |
P1NoSpace |
P2NoSpace |
Email1 OK |
Email2 OK |
Email3 OK |
ToAddress: |
SenderEmail: |
no-reply@vasupportcalc.com |
Email Subject Line |
Email Filename |
EmailReturn |
javascript:history.back() |
EmailConfirmMsg |
EmailSaveRange: |
All |
Filename Valid |
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