VA Form VSC-Calculation Exceptions (01/13/2024) v4.5 © Daniel R. Burk
v. Date:
A. Does Health Insurance Costs Exceed 5% of Insurance Payor's Gross Inc?
1. Health Insurance Costs for Both Parents
a. Each Parent's Health Insurance Costs
b. Total Health Ins. Costs for Children
2. Compare to Monthly Gross Income
a. Each Parent's Total Gross Income
b. 5% of Each Parent's Gross Income
3. Is Insurance > 5% Of Payor's Gross
B. Is Either Parent's Income At or Below 150% of Poverty Level?
a. Family Size
e. Monthly Gross Income
f. Gross <= 150% of Poverty Level?
a. Family Size
e. Monthly Gross Income
f. Gross <= 150% of Poverty Level?
3. If "YES" in (b7) or (b17), may be court-ordered adjustment
4. Where to find poverty level tables for (b3) and (b13)
C. Does Shared Calculation Exceed Sole Calculation?
1. Number of Children in Shared Arrangement(s)
2. Each parent's % share of time
3. Is % of Shared Time Equal?
4. Shared Support Calculation
c. Net Amt. of Support for Shared Only
d. Net Paid to Which Parent
5. Sole Support for Same Number of Children
a. Total Support for same # of Children
f. Amt Paid (if Sole Custody)
g. Support Pd To (if Sole Custody)
6. If Parents Receiving Shared and Sole are different …
…nothing further to be done
7. If Sole Amt. > Shared Amt., …
…nothing further to be done
8. If Sole amt. [c16] < Shared amt. [c9], Sole amt. MIGHT be amount of support for shared part of calculation
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Exceptions DEBUG N
Case T 2024
Plaintiff T # in Family Ann Guideline 1.5 x Pover Mon 1.5 x Pov
Defendant T 1 15060
Parent1 T 2 20440
Parent2 T SoleCalcWarning T 3 25820
Kids I 4 31200
1 Sole KidsOnlyP1 I 5 36580
2 Split KidsOnlyP2 I 6 41960
3 Shared KidsShared I 7 47340
4 Multi-Shared 8 52720 5298
5 Sole/Shared 9 5380
6 Sole/Multi-Shared
7 Split/Shared
8 Split/Multi-Shared
SharedDaysPercP1 P2
SharedDaysPercP2 P2
GrossIncP1 I
GrossIncP2 I
ExcludeLineInstructionsP T
EmailAdd1 T
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WhichCombo I
CodeSection T
CalcTypeSimple I
AdjGrossIncP1 I
AdjGrossIncP2 I
AdjGrossIncCombined I MinSoleSharedExcept I
AdjGrossPercP1 P2
AdjGrossPercP2 P2
FamilySizeActP1 I
FamilySizeActP2 I
ShowPovertyWarning T
ShowPovertyWarningP1 X T
ShowPovertyWarningP2 X T
HealthP1 I
HealthP2 I SharedSupportPaidByP1 I
ShowHealthInsuranceWarning T SharedSupportPaidByP2 I
MixedShareP1 I
MixedShareP2 I
GuidelineSharedKids I
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